As the NHS continues to struggle with procurement of essential equipment in the coronavirus crisis, we posit that a SaaS Solution is the only realistic option for managing the delivery of such vital supplies.
In our last post we discussed why the modern digitalisation of a Software as a Service (SaaS) supply chain management solution would benefit the NHS in managing the delivery of PPE. In this post we outline some of its considerable additional benefits.
A SaaS solution has particular benefits that apply even more in the current pandemic: • Additional infrastructure is NOT required – NHS / Government don’t have to manage any IT from their side; • Rapid deployment – the user only needs access to the URL and it is device independent, so all medical-related services can access the solution; • Purchase of hardware or software is NOT required – SaaS is a ‘rented’ service so there is no capital expenditure and there are no procurement / depreciation / other complications; • Only pay for what is uses – so no expensive redundant capacity for hardware or software is required; • Simple pricing – a SaaS solution should feature just a single charge; • Long-term contracts are NOT required – SaaS is effectively a pay-as-you-go scheme, so when an emergency like this one is over you don’t need to keep it going at the same level. That makes it great value for money in and out of a crisis.

Deltion’s own SaaS SCM solution, CarrierNet, features other specific benefits: • CarrierNet may be configured to meet the demands of all types of customers; i.e. from large shipments through to same-day emergencies; • CarrierNet is tailored to individual customer sectors, i.e. in the medical industry, from hospitals through to the smallest care home; • We can provide ‘Super Users’ with the means to introduce their own customer groups, i.e. as lockdown is released they could support other users – teachers, support staff, etc.; • CarrierNet may be integrated with other systems to provide a single user platform – ensuring information is consistent and transferable across an organisation such as the NHS is vital; • CarrierNet provides accurate information, enabling management to operate with the necessary transparency.
For more information about Deltion’s CarrierNet SaaS solution, please contact Bashir Khan: