The freight industry is in turmoil all over the world, and perhaps nowhere more so than here in the UK. Hardly a day goes by without some news article outlining the continuing problems assailing transport operators due to pandemic-provoked logistics backlogs, Brexit-related bureaucracy and now a major war on Europe’s own doorstep. In addition, events that cannot be foreseen, such as the recent P&O mass-firing of staff which led to cancelled ferry services across most UK ports produce laws of unintended consequences that impact the industry. Here is just one such recent article about the effect of UK border traffic jams on perishable goods, which are sensitive to time delays and lose value and quality as a result.
The upheaval caused by all the above factors across the freight industry has led to a hugely increased level of bureaucracy and, among other requirements, the need for transport operators to be able to prove adherence to processes and standards – at short notice – to external stakeholders such as HMRC, port operators and others. A capable TMS is required to provide such information at the best of times, but this is definitely not the best of times, hence the need for a web-based TMS, which is the only kind capable of providing transparency across the board and instant access to whatever information is needed, when it’s needed. For instance, any relevant stakeholder can be provided with an access key to the TMS’s internet platform from where they can draw down whatever information they require on an ad hoc basis.
The key attributes of this kind of TMS are speed, ease-of-use and the fact that all information is centralised and up-to-date at all times. In times like these, when reporting requirements may change at the drop of a hat, the ability to adapt and adhere to new regulations as quickly as possible is obviously key to how effective a transport operator’s freight management system is. The beauty of a web-based TMS is that all this can be done without the need to employ additional staff or other financial outlays.
In short, it’s now evident that a TMS which can handle all of this plus the more usual, established tasks, is no longer a luxury, but a necessity, if a transport operator wishes to remain productive, competitive and profitable. Contact Bashir Khan here if you'd like to know how our own CarrierNet web-based TMS platform can help you stay several steps ahead of your competition: it thinks on its feet so you can turn on a sixpence when the unexpected rears its ugly head.