Historically, all a TMS had to provide for a transport operator was the functionality to enable them to deliver goods to a given destination. Today, that is the very least a TMS should be able to do. In fact, if that’s all it is able to do, anyone using such a TMS will not be in business very long – and we have direct customer feedback to that back up that statement. Here are just a few of the other things today’s TMS must deliver for a transport operator:
Ease-of-Use By which we mean any user with appropriate access rights should be able to adapt the rules and systems within the TMS to suit their unique needs.
No Limit on Number or Type of User A modern transport operation comprises an ever-increasing number of stakeholders, any or all of whom should be able to access their particular sector of a transport operation at the appropriate authorisation level.
Customisable TMS Environment A superior TMS will allow a company complete flexibility over its transport management environment, with the ability to manipulate easily its TMS rules by administration level users as a minimum requirement.
The Flexibility to Adapt to Change Business conditions can change rapidly these days, as is most obviously evidenced by the unforeseen arrival of Covid 19 and its subsequent impact on the entire world. A TMS must allow changes to be made almost instantaneously to ensure that a transport operator can deliver on its customer promise, whatever the circumstance. There really is almost no such thing as an extenuating circumstance for customers these days.
Delivering all the above can seem a daunting ask, but we can assure you it is more than possible. Our own CarrierNet TMS does all this and more. If you’d like to know more and hear some of our customer references that prove it beyond any doubt, please contact Bashir Khan here.