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Supermarket chain saves 23% on freight transport!

A lot has been written about the potential impact of AI and how it could transform every aspect of society, in some cases making a lot of jobs and the people who do them redundant. However, there are definitely immense potential benefits to AI as well, where it can help to deliver 'win-win' outcomes for all parties involved in a particular scenario. Here’s a stunning recent case in point - a popular international supermarket chain saved 23% on their annual freight transport costs in Portugal alone! And that's from the horse’s mouth, not the IT supplier’s. Watch the video in this link for the proof we are not resorting to hyperbole:

Image of a truck to illustrate this article about AI driving freight transport costs down.

The supermarket chain in this case used a vital AI component in its transport management system (TMS) resulting in their doing more for less - significantly less, as you can see.

If you would like to understand how integration of the same AI ingredient in your TMS can benefit your freight transport operations, please contact Bashir Khan here:, and he’ll be happy to demonstrate how it's done. Annual savings of 23% - what’s not to love?!


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