In times like these, with rapid rises in inflation, fuel and just about everything else, transport operators must run the tightest ship possible in order to minimise their costs and maximise their profits. For transport operators, it is vital that you can easily keep a close eye on every aspect of your operation and its attendant costs. A smart transport management system (TMS) will enable you to automatically optimise vehicle routes, so that fuel costs are cut to the bone; make it easy to separate fuel surcharges, thereby ensuring that customers are always charged at the correct rate; and, with a suitable financial reconciliation tool, ensure that your invoices are submitted in a timely manner, with an automated dispute resolution process making it simple to deal with any exceptional items – all of which will in turn minimise your order-to-cash cycle times.

Our own cutting edge TMS, CarrierNet, will do all the above and a lot more, including allowing you to scale up or trim down your operation on the fly as demand fluctuates. If that’s sounds too good to be true, we’ll be only too happy to show you why it’s not – contact Bashir Khan today for a free demo or, indeed, a full free trial.