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Climate change means supply chain change

The pandemic has shown that there is enough resilience in supply chains to accommodate shocks and respond pretty much as required within a reasonably short time frame. With COP26 taking place in Glasgow in the next few weeks, it seems timely to address how revolutionary adaptation will be needed in almost all aspects of supply chains to tackle their impact on climate change. An integral part of that adaptation will be the gathering, handling and dissemination of key information – actually, all information will be key. Luckily, modern TMSs, with their inherent ease of integration, can already process information both across a company and all its external stakeholders.

A superior TMS can automatically make information available on an as-needed basis, freeing up management time to work (for a start!) on improving of other parts of the supply chain. Also, a TMS such as CarrierNet will afford the opportunity to work collaboratively, something that will also be required to meet the daunting challenges surrounding the effort to minimise the impact of climate change.

Today’s supply chains require innovative solutions if they are to minimise their impact on climate change, and CarrierNet is one such solution. If you would like to know more about it, please contact Bashir Khan.


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