Why do we say that?
Basically, most freight transport operators will have their own IT 'ecosystems' (for want of a better descriptor), each with their own interface, probably via an app of some kind. Our contention is that IT suppliers need to dovetail their TMS solutions with freight operators' own apps - for instance, our own CarrierNet transport management system (TMS) can be so integrated that an operator does not even know it’s there, as it sits in the background doing its thing. In fact, any modern TMS should have such integration capabilities, so a freight operator can use a single UI or app of their own and all their necessary services will be provided within it by the ‘invisible’ TMS. For freight transport providers, therefore, the focus now should be to ensure that their TMS has this ability already (all modern SaaS-based TMS solutions should have this as a matter of course), and if not, get a TMS that does.
If you wish to be sure you have a TMS that’s up to snuff, contact your IT provider or contact Bashir Khan here to find out how CarrierNet works - and what other lovely bells and whistles it incorporates.
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